Friday, November 03, 2006

Be Prepared for Jack Frost

Don't Get Stuck Inside...

Dropping temperatures shouldn't keep you from getting outside! You just
need to know how to venture outdoors safely in cold weather.

Polar Puzzler...
(Scroll down for the answer.)

An easy way to remember how to survive in cold weather is by using the word COLD. Can you guess what each letter stands for?

How Your Body Loses Heat:

Conduction - direct transfer of heat from the body to something cooler (major loss of heat when in cold water!)

Convection - loss of heat by circulation of air or water surround the body (watch out for the wind chill!)

Radiation - loss of heat through emitted energy (causes over half of the body's normal heat loss!)

Evaporation - heat lost when sweat or water on the skin is changed into steam (sweating or wet clothes increase heat loss!)

To Keep Warm Remember to...

Dress in layers to create air insulation, and you can remove or add layers
when you begin to sweat or chill. Avoid wearing cotton because it
easily absorbs water and can be difficult to dry, which will no longer keep
you warm. Breathable fabrics that don't absorb water like wool, polyester,
fleece, nylon, polypropylene, etc. will keep you warm, dry, and comfortable.

Wear boots with plenty of room to avoid cutting off circulation. Also, wear mittens instead of gloves to allow the fingers to keep each other warm.

Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration (which can increase the risk of frostbite!) and eat lots of nutritious foods to keep your body producing heat.

Cold Weather Links
For more information check these out!

SurvivalIQ Handbook - Survival IQ provides some great survival tips.

Wilderness Survival - Wilderness Survival has some useful information including some cold weather survival kit ideas.

The Farm: Cold Weather Issues - The Farm includes information about the different types of cold weather and how to strategize for each type.

Venture Outdoors - Don't forget to check out our site for some great activities in the beautiful Western Pennsylvania area.

C - Keep clothes clean
O - Avoid Overheating
L - Wear Loose clothes and in Layers
D - Keep clothing Dry.

Remembering these basic principles will keep you warm when you're outdoors in the cold. For more information on cold weather survival, visit SurvivalIQ Handbook.

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